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GRADED ‘A’ (Excellent)

by Singapore Police Force

UEN: 198401633G
UEN: 198401633G

GRADED ‘A’ (Excellent)

by Singapore Police Force

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Viagra – The Marriage Wrecker


Viagra has been in Singapore since 1999, and has enabled impotent men to have a normal sex life. But it has its flip side as a Marriage Wrecker. Private investigators (PI or Private Eye) say that the little blue pill is implicated in enough cases that they know it’s not a chance occurence.A typical Viagra Romeo is 40 or older. He usually tells his wife he is too tired and stressed to have sex, but he will stay out till early morning, claiming he is working or is with friends.Mr S M Jegan, a private investigator from Kokusai Security Pte Ltd, who has been inprivate investigation business since 1984, says;”Men have big egos and are afraid they can’t satisfy their wives. So, even with Viagra, they prefer to have sex with other women who don’t have expectations of them.” He also says, “Viagra has helped to save many marriages. It only becoms a bad thing when it is abused.”Some men feel that their wives are not adventurous enough, and use Viagra to enjoy adventurous moments with women from China and Batam.But the divorce does not seem to be a usual route here. Even after the wife get evidence of her husband committing adultery using Viagra, she may keep mum about it. Many women feel it is shameful to go to court over such matter.

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