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GRADED ‘A’ (Excellent)

by Singapore Police Force

UEN: 198401633G
UEN: 198401633G

GRADED ‘A’ (Excellent)

by Singapore Police Force

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SMS Killed My Marriage


While SMSes have made lives easier since October 1995 when they came on the scene, they have also complicated social interaction.Private investigators (PIs or Private Eyes) and divorce lawyers say that more Singaporeans are citing amorous text messages as one of the reasons they suspect their partners having extra-marital affairs. Mr S M Jegan, who runs private investigation firm Kokusa Security Pte Ltd, who has been in the business since 1984, says that up to 80 per cent of his 50 or so clients each month cites suspicious SMSes as one of the reasons that make them come to see him.While SMSes are admissible as evidence in a divorce suit, they alone cannot help win the case. Lawyers, such as Christina Goh, says that ultimately, a report from a private investigator, with pcitures, is more solid proof of adultery.Those who want SMS records as evidence ina divorce case must also who the telcos a court order. And the only SMS trails that are available are usually transaction records – who sent what messages to whom and when.

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