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GRADED ‘A’ (Excellent)

by Singapore Police Force

UEN: 198401633G
UEN: 198401633G

GRADED ‘A’ (Excellent)

by Singapore Police Force

a image

AI for all security tasks

Transform any standard security camera into a purpose-fit surveillance camera with our Intelligence Modules

100% Software

Integrates seamlessly with existing security system. No hardware upgrade needed.


Delivers real-time alerts for critical events and eliminates the need of constant monitoring.

Smart analytics

Provides insightful analytics such as Camera status and System Health analytics

smart surveillance platform

smart monitor

Seamless Alert Management, Camera View, Account management, Safelist Watchlist configuration and more.

smart patrol

Receive and update note on real-time alert on the go through a Mobile interface

smart analytics

Actionable Insights for your business with custom reports

Seamless integration

  • whatsapp
  • nav-callback